Hi guys
Sorry it's been so long since my last update, life’s been pretty busy since we got back from break. The last couple of weeks have been really great so I thought I should fill you in.
Since getting back to school life has been really busy. I've been doing all my usual stuff in the mornings plus teaching 5th grade science every afternoon for 2 weeks. I've really enjoyed having a regular slot to plan and teach and getting to work with 5th grade has been nice, they are great kids! I've also been helping Meg with some songs for her class chapel which is coming up. I've played guitar for them in their practices and taught them a vineyard kids song along with corresponding dance routine. I'm really thankful to God that he has used me in this way, as most of you know I love dancing and singing and being able to use some of my skills has been great.
In 2 weeks we have a special week called Filipiniana week. During the week, classes go off timetable and focus on learning about life in the Philippines. They learn about cultures, and customs as well as taking a field trip. I'm looking forward to this week; I think it's going to be a lot of fun. After that I think I will be pretty much covering different people's classes until I go home. The teachers have a reading assessment to do so while they do that I can teach their kids. I'm really looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into a big chunk of teaching.
The last 2 weeks we had 3 day weekends. They seem to have a lot of public holidays here which the government can just declare whenever they want. I was feeling a little daunted about having lots of extra time off because I sometimes find the weekends pretty boring, having a lot of free time on my hands with not much to do I have the tendency to over think and then become homesick.
I decided I would go and visit one of the squatter areas, called Cogeo with my German friends. They work there every day and said it would be nice if I taught the youth some dances. This squatter area is quite unique. Unlike other places I’ve visited it's built up on a hillside amongst trees, the soil is dark red clay. To reach Cogeo you have to cross a suspended rope bridge with quite a few slats missing. This was quite scary, especially when a man carrying a pile of bricks tried to squeeze past me! We had a great time in Cogeo, the kids are super cute. We attended a bible study and then I taught the youth All in This Together from High School Musical and my friend Sharon taught the hoedown throwndown. I went back the next weekend and got to teach some more dance and play some games with the little kids.
Me and Sharon and the rope bridge into Cogeo |
A man doing his washing in the river |
Cogeo rope bridge |
Me and Ellis (yes I do love him a little bit!) |
Teaching All in this Together to the youth. They were really fast learners! |
Some youth practicing guitar in the preschool |
Cogeo River (It is usually soapy due to people cleaning and washing in it) |
Me, Sharon and some of the Cogeo kids |
It's Ellis again and my German friend Helena |
Playing duck, duck, goose with the kids |
Showing this girl how to play some basic chords |
Beautiful faces |
More guitar lessons |
The 3 amigos. They look like butter wouldn't melt don't they! |
I'm so grateful to God that he has given me this opportunity to visit the squatter areas. When I go there it reminds me that although I am here working in a western environment, most of the people here in the Philippines live in extreme poverty. It's great to spend some time with these guys and hopefully teach them something which they will enjoy. What's really challenging about going there is that all the leaders in the house churches are so young, usually in their late teens or early twenties and yet they have such a passion for Jesus and are really committed to serving him. Most of them lead bible studies, worship or Sunday school. I find this interesting when I think back to my own experiences as a young adult in the church, how much was I willing to get involved and serve?
Of course I am still in another culture so while I’m learning these great lessons there are also the inevitable randomly funny moments. We attended a choir practice where they were attempting to learn a Christmas song which no-one seemed to know the tune to but everyone sang very enthusiastically anyway! The funniest moment was every time we started there would be no counting us in with 5, 6. 7, 8 it was simply ready? Sing!
So I was worried about these long weekends without reason, this last weekend has been great, probably the best weekend here in the Philippines so far. I've had such a good time and I’m really grateful to God for giving me such great people to hang out with and have fun. On Sunday night we had a party for Halloween because that is really big in the States. We carved squash because you can't get pumpkins here, played the chocolate flour game and the strawberry lace game. I think the highlight though was playing spoons, in the dark, in the swimming pool. Instead of grabbing a spoon from the table you have to jump into the pool and dive for the spoons which on the on bottom, this is a must play game and was so much fun! Also I’ve just received my Gavin and Stacey box set so I’m busy educating my American friends on British culture and TV, they love it!
Me, Meg and Kelli before the squash carving began |
Playing the flour game, luckily I didin't make the chocolate fall! |
Squash carving fun! |
Here are our finished squshes. Ours says "oh no". It's a Friends reference because me and Meg watch Friends way too much! |
The flour pie before the carnage began! |
I was feeling really down a couple of weekends ago and I’m really grateful to God for giving me these fun times here. He has been 100% faithful to me the whole time I’ve been here and I want to give him all the praise. I was looking back in my journal which I’ve been keeping since I got here and I was almost surprised to see all the things I’ve prayed about and all the answers to prayer I've seen in just 2 months. My time here has not always been easy but I know that when times are good or bad I can lean on the one who will never let me down.
Give thanks to the Lord our God and king, His love endures forever!
P.s. I have a video of me doing the all in this together dance with the youth. I've tried in vain to add this to my blog. I am currently seeking technical support so watch this space. If I can't add it here I may put it on facebook.