
Thursday, 25 November 2010


Let us enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise!

This week has been American Thanksgiving. Now I’ve watched a fair few friends episodes when they have thanksgiving and often wondered what all the fuss was about. To me it just looked like an excuse to have another Christmas dinner a month before Christmas.

Being here in the Philippines with real Americans and understanding the reason for the celebration has changed my opinion of this holiday. Unlike Christmas there are no gifts to be distracted by and so the real focus in on looking to God and thanking him for all her has given us. I've been working in first grade this week and it's been so cool to hear the children say what they are really thankful to God for. And I think so often we can forget to be thankful because we have so much and do not realise how blessed we really are. At the OMF prayer meeting we wrote down a list of all the things we were thankful for from the past year, this might sound excessive but was a really good exercise; once I’d started I just couldn't stop.

So I’ve decided to make a list of the 10 things I am most thankful for since being here in the Philippines...

1. Great friends to hang out with- before I came I thought I’d really struggle to fit in
2. My amazing roommate Meg
3. A great place to live close to school
4. A car to get around in so I don't have to rely on public transport
5. Work for me to do at school which is satisfying and enjoyable
6. Good relationships with the staff and children at school
7. Financial provision while I’ve been here
8. Internet access which now works at home!
9. The chance to visit other places in the beautiful Philippines
10. My sister Keren got engaged on Sunday (just had to slip that one in!)

I really am thankful to God for the way he has brought me here and walked with me when it's been easy and difficult. My prayer is that I will not forget to look to him and say thank you for all he has done in my life and the rich blessings he has given me.

Ok serious part over. On a side note, the thanksgiving food is pretty good although I’m not sure it can beat a good Christmas dinner UK stylie. They have the usual turkey, mashed potato, corn, stuffing, gravy, with some interesting additions including sweet potato baked with marshmallows and sugar on top. You would think it wouldn't work but somehow it just does!!!

Sweet potato with marshmellows and sugar!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruth! Last two updates just read - really good and informative! Looking forward to you cooking the one above for sampling here in the UK - I love sweet potato since our trips to SA. You have done so well and it is really helpful and a good example to provoke us to thanksgiving! I give thanks for you and thank the Lord that he will help you adjust once more back here
